A re-cap of International Club 2018-2019

On May 8th we had our last International Club meeting of the year. It has been a fun experience learning all about Germany! In October we sampled German food including bratwursts, sauerkraut, and pretzels that we got to shape ourselves!

In November we learned about St. Nikolas traditions and created paper shoes filled with treats to share with the teachers and staff at our school. In January we wrote pen pal letters to students at Maria-Ward-Gymnasium in Germany. In February we watched videos of German fairy tales, and in March we illustrated those stories by creating etchings in the style of German wood carving.

For our last meeting of the year, we opened the responses we received from our pen pals! We were also excited to look at the books about Maria-Ward Gymnasium and to discover some paper dolls named Joseph, Franz, Leni and Resi. A group of students took them on a tour of FA!

Mrs. Estes is the Head of the Lower School (like a principal for the elementary school at FA)

Our playground

We have a pool and we get to take swim lessons during PE class!

The gym

We have a natural playscape where we can play

This is the entrance to the Lower School at FA

This is a fourth-grade classroom. These students are 10 years old.

“Eat a Rainbow” Challenge

This year a group of Lower School faculty has formed a learning community in order to focus on promoting health and wellness in our school. We have done classroom activities to examine sugar content in common foods and taught more about dental health. This month, we are launching the “Eat a Rainbow” challenge so that students can learn the importance of eating a variety of colors of fruits and veggies. We want to help children understand that they need vitamins and nutrients from these foods in order to keep their growing bodies healthy.

The official “Eat a Rainbow” challenge will be next week, from April 30 to May 4. This is where you, as the families, have an important role to play! We would like to encourage each child to try at least one new fruit or veggie during that week, in addition to keeping track of whether or not they eat at least one fruit or veggie from each color of the rainbow. While this is an optional activity, we hope that there will be lots of excitement amongst the students about being able to complete their rainbow within the week!

As an incentive, we will host a “smoothie party” for the class with the highest participation in the challenge. Also, on Friday May 4, we would like students and faculty to wear wacky rainbow colors as a culminating celebration of our week!

Please see  this guide for additional information about the nutritional value of different fruits and veggies, as well as some ideas for incorporating more variety into your family’s routine.

Nos prénoms français

In second grade, we each choose a French name that we will be called in French class. We also learned how to pronounce the alphabet in French. Now we know how to spell our names out loud en français! Can you tell which letters are the most difficult for English speakers to pronounce?

En CE-1, on choisit un prénom français qu’on utilise en classe. Après avoir appris l’alphabet en français, on s’est mis à épeler nos prénoms à haute voix ! Quelles sont les lettres les plus difficiles à prononcer pour nous les anglophones?

Learning a new song with our French friends

Mrs. Rutil’s class enjoyed learning this song from my first grade class so much that they wanted to return the favor to us! Here is a classic children’s song that they sang for us:

To practice learning the meaning of the song, we did several activities in class. For example, we played a matching card game to learn how to say the clothing items that are mentioned in the song.

We also did a relay race outside!

Here is our version of the song, recorded the last day of French class in first grade:

Teaching our French friends a song in English

This year students in first grade French class have conducted a special project. We set out to teach one of the songs that we performed for our Harvest Celebration to our connection project friends in Fréjus, France. To do this, we interpreted the song in a variety of ways, integrating skills that we are practicing in each of our specials classes (music, art, library, computer and P.E.). It has been an enriching experience, and we are so proud to finally be able to hear our friends sing the song!

The teacher in France, Murielle Rutil, reported that at first the children complained that the song was too difficult and that they wouldn’t be able to sing it. After watching our videos and continuing to practice, they were able to learn the song and to sing it with excellent pronunciation. They enjoyed this project so much that they would like to continue with it next year. Therefore, in second grade, my French students will have a chance to teach more English songs to the students in France, and they will also be teaching us some French songs that will be integrated into our curriculum! This is sure to be a meaningful experience of cultural exchange for all children involved!

This project has also enabled us to showcase the variety of skills that students are Fredericksburg Academy are able to practice and develop through our wonderful “Specials” program. You can see the different facets of the project by clicking the links below.

Music class: We sang the song and accompanied it with instruments.

Art class: We illustrated the meaning of the song.

Library: Mrs. Atkins read a book about the theme of the song, and we sent a copy to France!

Technology: We used the Dash n Dot and Codepillar robots to practice coding while doing activities related to the theme of the song.

P.E.: We did a variety of games related to the theme of the song.


Au musée

On Wednesday, March 22, the first grade class went to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States, and we are lucky because Fredericksburg is only an hour away! We rode in a big bus to go on our field trip. Here you can see some photos of Mathieu and Anaïs as they explored the museum with Teagan.

Le mercredi 22 mars les élèves de CE-1 sont allés visiter le Musée National de l’Aérospatiale à Washington, D.C. Washington D.C. est la ville capitale des Etats-Unis, et nous avons de la chance car ce n’est qu’à une heure de Fredericksburg. Nous sommes allés en autobus pour y arriver. Voici quelques photos de Mathieu and Anaïs avec Teagan au musée.

Dans le bus on a vue des monuments de la ville de Washington:

Au musée il y a beaucoup de choses impressionantes a voir:

La pétanque

Last week was “World Languages Week” at our school. Throughout the week all students got to do special activities to celebrate learning other languages. At our school some students study French, and some study Spanish. The older students in Middle and Upper School can also take Latin.

In first grade, we got to play pétanque outside. Before we went out, we learned the rules of the game and watched some videos about how to throw the ball correctly. We learned that the small ball is called le cochonet, which means “piglet,” and the bigger balls are called boules. We played two rounds. Zoe threw her boule closest to le cochonet the first time. The second round, Jorjica and Ollie were the winners. Do you like to play pétanque?

EPS avec Mme. Wimble

Mrs. Wimble

We have EPS twice per week in the gym with Mrs. Wimble. In English we call it “P.E.” which stands for “physical education.”

Mrs. Wimble created some games to go along with our song. We did a race where we had to run through the “field of corn” and then “pick a pumpkin” in the the pumpkin patch of orange balls. The next time we had to run and “pick some apples,” which were red and green balls hidden in the bleachers. For the last game, we had to pretend to act like a herd of cows. It was lots of fun! We love PE with Mrs. Wimble!

Go Falcons!

The field of corn

The patch of pumpkins

The tree of apples

La classe d’informatique

Mrs. Anderson

Mrs. Anderson is our computer and technology teacher. Once a week we go to the computer lab to play games, practice typing, and develop other technology skills. For this project about our song, Mrs. Anderson helped us to practice coding, which is when you tell a computer what you want it to do. We did the project in our STEM lab, which is a special classroom where we can explore Science, Math, Engineering and Technology. We were divided into groups of three, and each group had to complete a coding challenge using either the Coderpillars or a robot named Dash. Through teamwork and lots of trial-and-error, we were able to complete the challenges!

One group had to get the Coderpillar to round up the cows and bring them back to the farm:

Another group had to get the Coderpillar to weave through the patch of pumpkins and field of corn:

The third group had to get Dash to toss the “apple” ball into the basket: