Au revoir, Manon! And welcome home, Chase and Skye!

Our last day of school was Friday, May 31st. The week before, we had a going-away party for Manon in French class! We made a sign and had a dance party! We will miss her, but we had so much fun hosting her here in Fredericksburg this year! She will soon be on her way back to France in the mail!

All the teachers at FA were working this week to clean up and get organized for next year. On Wednesday Madame Ibarra received a package from France! It was Chase and Skye!! They brought beautiful notes with them from our friends in France, as well as some super-awesome books that all of the French students at FA will enjoy!

Merci beaucoup, nos amis en France!

Manon retourne à Walt Disney World

Pendant les vacances de printemps, Manon est retournée à Walt Disney World. Cette fois elle a voyagé avec Paige et Piper (oui, ce sont des jumelles!) Quelle chance de pouvoir y aller deux fois!

Elle a aussi fait de la gymnastique. On aime faire du sport!

During Spring Break, Manon got to go back to Disney World! This time she traveled with Paige and Piper (yes, they are twin sisters!) She is so lucky to have been able to go there two times!

She also got to do gymnastics again. We love being active!

A re-cap of International Club 2018-2019

On May 8th we had our last International Club meeting of the year. It has been a fun experience learning all about Germany! In October we sampled German food including bratwursts, sauerkraut, and pretzels that we got to shape ourselves!

In November we learned about St. Nikolas traditions and created paper shoes filled with treats to share with the teachers and staff at our school. In January we wrote pen pal letters to students at Maria-Ward-Gymnasium in Germany. In February we watched videos of German fairy tales, and in March we illustrated those stories by creating etchings in the style of German wood carving.

For our last meeting of the year, we opened the responses we received from our pen pals! We were also excited to look at the books about Maria-Ward Gymnasium and to discover some paper dolls named Joseph, Franz, Leni and Resi. A group of students took them on a tour of FA!

Mrs. Estes is the Head of the Lower School (like a principal for the elementary school at FA)

Our playground

We have a pool and we get to take swim lessons during PE class!

The gym

We have a natural playscape where we can play

This is the entrance to the Lower School at FA

This is a fourth-grade classroom. These students are 10 years old.

Manon va à Walt Disney World avec Abigail !

Abigail took Manon to Walt Disney World during Winter Break. They met lots of princesses and it was so much fun! They also got to hang out with a friend from FA, Olivia!

She also got to go to gymnastics class with Abigail. What a fun break!

Pendant les vacances Abigail a emmené Manon à Disney World en Floride ! Elles ont fait la connaissance de beaucoup de princesses et c’était très amusant ! Elles ont aussi passé du temps avec une amie de l’école, Olivia!

Manon a aussi fait de la gymnastique avec Abigail. Quelles bonnes vacances!!

La Chandeleur 2019

In fourth grade French class we learned about a French holiday called La Chandeleur. It is on le 2 février, which is forty days after ChristmasOn this day, they observe the weather in order to predict how much longer winter will last, which is similar to our Groundhog Day traditions. One saying is:

“Quand la Chandeleur est claire, l’hiver est par derrière. Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte.”

(When Chandeleur is clear, winter is behind us. If it’s overcast, there will be 40 more days of winter).

To celebrate La Chandeleur in France, people eat crêpes. One tradition is that when you cook the crêpes, you hold a gold coin in one hand and the pan in the other. If you can successfully flip the crêpe without dropping it, you will have good luck for the year! The students enjoyed flipping the crêpes (almost as much as they enjoyed eating one later!)

Le weekend chez Mae

Manon met Mae’s family: mom, dad, two sisters (Laney and Lottie), a dog and a hamster.
Manon went on a bike ride with Mae and played outside with neighbors.  She also enjoyed riding in the shopping cart at Target!
Manon explored the Virginia Central Railway trail (VCR). It was a gloomy day, but Mae was still able to take Manon over the bridge on her scooter and show her the small waterfalls.

Thank you for sharing Manon with us!


Manon a fait la connaissance de toute la famille de Mae: sa mère, son père, ses deux soeurs (Lanie et Lottie), le chien et le hamster.

Manon a fait du vélo avec Mae et elle a joué avec des voisins dans le quartier. En plus, elle a fait des courses à Target.

Manon a exploré le chemin de vélo qui s’appelle Virginia Central Railway trail. C’était une journée maussade, mais c’était amusant de traverser le pont à la trottinette. Elles ont vu des petites chutes d’eau !

Sur le pont d’Avignon

Georges is a soldier who can walk, run, jump and dance. His favorite song is Sur le pont d’Avignon. We learned to sing the song and do a special dance.

Georges le soldat peut marcher, courir, sauter et danser. Sa chanson préférée est Sur le pont d’Avignon. Nous avons dansé en chantant la chanson. Nous avons vu la ville d’Avignon dans des vidéos. Est-ce qu’Avignon se trouve près de Fréjus ?


Le weekend chez Matthew

This weekend Manon went home with Matthew. They had ice cream on Friday and Manon met Matthew’s baby turtle. On Sunday, they went to Fun Land with Matthew’s big brother, James. They played lots of games and won tickets for prizes. Manon also got to eat lunch at Cowboy Jack’s. All kids get a lollipop when they go home!

Manon a passé le weekend chez Matthew. Ils ont mangé de la glace vendredi soir, et elle a fait la connaissance de sa petite tortue. Dimanche ils se sont bien amusés en jouant à Fun Land avec James, le grand frère de Matthew. Ils ont joué beaucoup de jeux et ils ont gagné des billets pour pouvoir choisir des prix. Après, ils ont déjeuné au restaurant Cowboy Jack’s. Tous les enfants y reçoivent une sucette avant de partir !