JMG October Meeting

jmg-oct-2016b jmg-oct-2016a jmg-oct-2016 jmg-oct-2016cLast week, we had our second Junior Master Gardening Club meeting. After a little downtime and snack, we headed outside to pull weeds and do some general cleaning. The beds looked better than anticipated, so we left a lot of the plants alone, since a frost has not taken them out. Tomatoes were still ripening and bees were still around the basil which is still flowering. We pulled up the sunflowers and left the heads with seeds for any explorers to the Playscape. The gardeners harvested the basil and mint to take home.

Next club date is November 16.

Book Fair

The annual Fall Book Fair is in full swing at FA. Today is the final full day. This is a wonderful opportunity for FA Community to add to their personal book collections or share the gift of reading with a loved one.
Earlier in the week, JK-5 students were given the opportunity to browse the shelves of the book fair with classroom teachers. Each student had the opportunity to make a “wish list”. These titles have been written down with the assistance of a teacher, parent, or 5th grade volunteer on behalf of your child. You are under no obligation to purchase anything on this list. In fact, you are encouraged to come and browse the fair on your own or with your child. The wish list is to help those parents who want to purchase books and may not have the opportunity to come in person because of other obligations. In that case, feel free to send a check made out to FA or cash with your student. The school book store account, and credit/debit cards are also accepted.
Lower School and Middle School Faculty have also done “wish lists” for their classroom libraries. If you would like to donate a book to your child’s classroom library, please look for the “Teacher Wish List” tri-board. If they did not get a chance to make a list, consider a gift certificate in the amount of $5, 10, or $$30 denominations.
You also have the opportunity to allow your student to pre-order the eleventh title in the popular “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series, Double Down. It will be released on Tuesday, November 1st. If you would like to order this book, please let us know. We will take pre-paid orders and Mrs. Atkins will deliver your child’s book on November 1st.
Due to the wide variety books available at the book fair, only 2-3 copies of many books are available. If you or your student do not see a particular book, you may order it. The book fair company will send or ship to FA at the end of the book fair. Mrs. Atkins will deliver the book to your child as soon as it is available. Pre-paid back-orders are for any item in the book fair inventory for teachers and students.
Thank you to the FA Community for supporting the school and encouraging the love of reading.
The book fair hours for the rest of the week are:
2014-10-02 19.24.01
This afternoon until 4pm
Friday; 8am-12pm

Junior Master Gardener

Tomorrow is our first Junior Master Gardener Club meeting of the school year!

Because it a multi-level group of ages and new students, I will do a little activity that will involve the students getting to know each other. Then we will head outside and talk about what happened in the garden over the past 5 months and if there is time we will pull some weeds and dead plants. Next month we will plant our fall/winter garden. Ultimately, I would like to have something that will sucessfully overwinter that we can nibble on and share.

Tomorrow, I plan on serving boiled (organic, free-range) eggs and whatever Falcon Club would like to share. I will contact parents that have indicated sending snacks in the subsequent months ahead.

Please make sure students are dressed for getting dirty…gloves, hats, sturdy shoes, water bottles, and sunscreen are recommended.Tomorrow’s forecast is 82 and partly cloudy.

Now that we are meeting upstairs in the STEM Lab, students will bring their backpacks to the breezeway before we head to the garden. Students will be expected to take and bring back tools from our storage space in the breezeway. We should be finishing by 4:30, but it may take us a few minutes to get organized and put the tools away. They should wash their hands before they head to the car. You are welcome to walk up and pick up your child. Please make sure that I make eye contact with you. You can also park in the circle and will I walk them to the car.

If you have any questions, please let me know. JMG is always fun and exciting. I look forward to working with the students outside the library and in the garden!

Grades 2-5 Library Classes

The curriculum focus for these grades continue to be literature/art, genres, the organization of the library, locating materials, using resources in print and online as it relates to classroom projects and the mission of the Academy.

Mrs. Mann’s class are the designated Library Ambassadors this year. These students will help to collect library books each morning, assist students with book selection, checking in/out materials, moving materials between the LS and the MSUS Library, helping with the book fair and other duties as assigned. 

Students in these grades are able to check out up to two book at a time and exchange books from the library on a regular basis. If they forget their book on their designated library day, they can still select a book that will be placed in on the reserve shelf. Once they bring in their book, they can come at any time with teacher or parent permission and pick up their saved book. These reserves will be available for three days.  The students are encouraged to check out books from the entire library. If you would like for your child to bring home a different type of book, please let me know.

The library is open at 7:45 each morning for students to come in and browse with their parents before the school day begins or with their teacher’s permission once they arrive in the classroom. A fifth grade ambassador or I will be here to assist with book selection.

The books in both of the FA Libraries are for the entire FA community. When a book is missing from a series or when a student is waiting for the newest best seller, it is so heartbreaking when I have to tell a disappointed student that the book is long overdue/lost/damaged  and he/she will have to find something else. There are times when a book becomes misplaced. I try to give the student time to locate the material. After several weeks, a hardcopy overdue notice  will go home with the student. If I do not hear from the parent, I will follow up with an email. When every attempt has been made to locate the book and it is not found, it will have to be replaced so others will have the opportunity to read the book or a suitable replacement.

If you would like access to the library catalog, please go to We will be phasing to a different look for the catalog to find library materials over the course of the year. Find our state, then select “Fredericksburg Academy”.

Welcome Back to the Library!

Shelf markersAs of today, I have seen all of the library classes, grades PK-5. Today was the first day that the Kindergarten classes were able to take a book home. Last week, we talked about book care. Today we talked about how librarians needed help to keep all the books in the right place on the shelf, so the K students were introduced to shelf markers today. Kindergarten-Grade 1 may check out one book at a time. Grades 2 – Grades 5 may check out two at a time.

Library Days are:


Keating (1)

Evans (4)


Harmon (K)

Raniella (K)


Grabfelder (2)

Sentipal (2)

Manthei (3)


McCluskey (PK)

Llufrio (3)


Fischer (JK)

Kolotos (JK)

Mann (5)


For those of you who do not know, this is the beginning of my 12th year at the Academy. My oldest son is an FA alum who is now working with AmeriCorps City Year in Miami. My youngest son is a Junior this year at the Academy. I am a Virginia certified K-12 library media specialist. Part of my job is to empower your students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information. This will be a gradual process depending on grade level.

The curriculum will be promoting the very best of children’s literature to your child with activities designed to help students enjoy the stories even more.
  • We will be doing our very best the get (or keep) your children “hooked on reading” by recommending specific reading materials.
  • Students will be learning research specifically suited to their developmental needs.
  • If you have an iPad or Android tablet, you or your student will be able to download e-books from the library this year. Electronic books are available at Please check with me for username and password. Bear in mind that the electronic collection is for all grade and interest levels.
    • There is a spring and fall book fair. Fall dates are September 30-October 7, 2016; Spring dates are May 1-5, 2017.
    • The library catalog is now available online at and there is an app for that as well on your iPad. It’s called “Destiny Discover” Please contact me for further information or if you need help setting it up.
    • There are resources on our library page found at Changes are currently being made to its location on the website. Please contact me for more information.

    LS Library Hours:

Monday, Thursday, & Friday, 7:45am-3:00pm

Tuesday & Wednesday, 7:45am-4:oopm.

Most afternoons I can be found in Middle School Falcon Club. Students are welcome to browse after school with a parent. Books can be signed out in the notebook on the desk.

Parents are welcome at the library and I am always looking for volunteers to help out! I can be reached at 540-898-0020 , or email at

Junior Master Gardeners

During this month’s meeting, the gardeners had a chance to sample kale chips  and fresh kale along with their JMG snack. Smooth kale is being grown in the garden. We braved the rain and planted seed garlic, which we hope to see next spring. It will be ready to harvest over the summer for the summer programs or the Food Bank.

It is not too late for your JMGs to donate food to our “Stems, Leaves, Roots, and Seeds” food drive for the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank. We sorted the donations that we already had according to type. I will coordinate with the other classrooms that are making donations to take to the food bank in the next two weeks.

Next month’s JMG date tbd because of the December calendar.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving from JK and Their “Turkey Feathers”

In the library this year, all classes JK-5 have weekly library time. I travel with cart and books to the PK classes once a week for 20 minutes. This week was a treat because PK came to visit the library! Later in the year, they will start visiting on a regular basis.

The first trimester was about seasons, Hispanic Heritage Month pumpkins, Halloween, National American Indian Heritage Month, Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, Indian, and book care for PK-1. In the second grade the whole trimester was used for learning how to select a “Just Right” book and reading aloud some very humorous chapter books. Grades 3-5 learned about the Dewey Decimal System and research (the first time for some) and a refresher for others as well as using computers, iPads, and Chromebooks with internet access to use the library catalog, and locate resources. We will continue to do this for the rest of the school year. December will focus on research, winter holidays, traditions, and listening.



Gardening Club


Garden Club, aka, Junior Master Gardeners is an after school enrichment program for grades 3-5, once a month. I am a master gardener with Hanover County and volunteer my time to keep my status as active. Most of those volunteer hours are here at FA. I use the national Junior Master Gardener curriculum to get ideas and activities. JMG is considered a 4-H program, so I have us registered as a school, keep the stats on who attends, and give out certificates of participation at the end of the year. We maintain a small organic garden on the field in front of the school during the spring and fall. Now that the naturescape is in front of the garden, we plan on having more activities throughout the year, during the school day, but ideally the initial designing, planting, and maintaining will be done by the JMGs. Depening on what and when, some of our harvests, go to the Food Bank and some go home with the students. Sometimes we do mini-projects around the campus.  A couple of years ago, we planted tulips, which you should see in mid April. We also talk about nature, nutrition, organic gardening, healthier eating options, basic plant growth, soil, water, and pest management.
The garden has evolved over the years and other parts of the community have gardens as well. We all collarborate with each other to observe, volunteer and learn from each other. The other parts of the FAmily are encouraged to observe  during the different phases from germination to harvest. but I may try to encorporate some of the projects to broaden my gardeners’ experiences.
If your student is interested in becoming a Junior Master Gardener, please send me an email stating just that and who is allowed to pick up.
Unless it is storming, please plan on your gardener going outside and getting dirty. Cold weather meetings will be (mostly) inside. They will need an afternoon snack, a  pair of gardening gloves, closed toed shoes, and a water bottle.
Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 23rd in the LS Library at 3:15pm. Pick up is at 4:30pm. Students not picked up at 4:30 will be sent to Falcon Club.


Fall Book Fair

The Library hosts two annual book fairs. One of the purposes of the book fair is to promote reading and encourage our entire community to build their personal library collections with some of the newest and best books published. Usually there are newly published children’s books, award winners, poetry, discounted books, sports, cookbooks, and self help books, just to name a few categories. I suspect there will be fall and winter themed holiday books as well.

Our fall book fair is just 3 weeks away!

The Annual Fall Book Fair begins Tuesday, October 5. All students JK-5 will have a short preview to walk through and make a wish list of special titles on the first day. The Book Fair is held in the Middle School MPR. The entire FAmily is welcome!
Tuesday-Thursday; 8am-4:00pm
Friday Morning; 8am-12pm
*The Book Fair will also be open for the LS and MS Parent Teacher Conferences on October 1 & 2.
Forms of payment accepted are cash, personal checks, Falcon’s Nest account, and major credit/debit cards.
Parent and student volunteers are always needed for this event. If you have a desire to help out for an hour or two with customer service, assisting the younger students with book selections, or helping to set up or pack up the book fair, please click here for information about duties and to sign up.


Library Classes, Grades 2-5

The curriculum focus for these grades continue to be literature/art, genres, the organization of the library, locating materials, using resources in print and online as it relates to classroom projects and the mission of the Academy.

Mrs. Mann’s class will be the designated Library Ambassadors this year. These students will help to collect library books each morning, assist students with book selection, checking in/out materials, moving materials between the LS and the MSUS Library, helping with the book fair and other duties as assigned. 2014-09-16 08.02.52

Students in these grades are able to check out up to two book at a time and exchange books from the library on a regular basis. If they forget their book on their designated library day, they can still select a book that will be placed in on the reserve shelf. Once they bring in their book, they can come at any time with teacher or parent permission and pick up their saved book. These reserves will be available for three days.  The students are encouraged to check out books from the entire library. If you would like for your child to bring home a different type of book, please let me know.

The library is open at 7:45 each morning for students to come in and browse with their parents before the school day begins or with their teacher’s permission once they arrive in the classroom. A fifth grade ambassador or I will be here to assist with book selection.

The books in both of the FA Libraries are for the entire FAmily. When a book is missing from a series or when a student is waiting for the newest best seller, it is so heartbreaking when I have to tell a disappointed student that the book is long overdue/lost  and he/she will have to find something else. There are times when a book becomes misplaced. I try to give the student time to locate the material. After several weeks, a hardcopy overdue notice  will go home with the student. If I do not hear from the parent, I will follow up with an email. When every attempt has been made to locate the book and it is not found, it will have to be replaced so others will have the opportunity to read the book or a suitable replacement.

If you would like access to the library catalog, please go to