
This week for science we’ve been studying matter. First, we mixed baking soda and vinegar(it looked liked sprite), then we put Pop Rocks in coca-cola to blow up a balloon. Next, we made butter from heavy whipping cream by shaking it. Last, my favorite putting mentos in diet coke!  actually all of them were my favorite! did you guess what we’re doing yet? changing states of matter! I wonder what we’ll do next week?

R: I chose matter because the stuff we did during the unit was pretty cool like when we put the mentos in the coke. We also made butter by shaking heavy whipping cream.

Spirit Week

Last week was spirit week. I mostly liked crazy hat day, I liked it because  everybody either had crazy hair or a hat. But I liked all of the days.If I had a day I made it would be red day. That would be awesome! Everyone wear red on Wednesday! and the pep rally. I liked all the savage music from the beginning and Freddy the falcon and the ducks also harry potter (say in British accent if not try your best). If I was on one of the teams it would be cross country. because I am good at running. Sometimes I may not though.