My Fourth Grade year


Posted by teagan | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 21, 2020

The first thing that I can remember is when the class went downtown as a field trip. It was fun to learn about  my town’s  history.  When school was cancelled, I hated not being able to talk to people. So I loved doing the parade for Mr. Evans because I got to see and talk to people. As you know I am very social so it is very hard not seeing you every day. I miss you all very much and I hope you and your families  are okay. I am happy we do Zoom meetings and get to see each other every once in a while. I also loved reading A Wrinkle in Time. Another thing I liked about fourth grade was getting to watch a movie in school.

by,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Teagan Arendt

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