The Giant’s hand


Posted by ari | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on April 23, 2020

One day in spring, a girl named Sarah was walking on the sidewalk and saw a giant’s hand holding a tree. She couldn’t even believe her eyes, so she blinked twice but she still saw it, Sarah started walking fast, then she started running, then she started sprinting to her house.

She thought maybe since it was Earth day, the giants were waking up. Sarah asked her friend Gia to come and see this. Gia came over to look at it. Sarah showed her but the hand was gone, and the tree was also gone. Sarah knew the hand had been here. She was certain of it,

One year later, on Earth day, she saw another giant’s hand. This time, she didn’t bother telling Gia, but she did still have a playdate with her, When she got to Gia’s house Gia said, “Be quiet! My parents are sleeping.” I thought to myself, “Why are her parents always sleeping? Why can we never play in her house? We always have to play in her backyard and I’ve always wondered why she has a picture of a baby giant in her backyard.” I asked Gia, “Why can we never play in your house?” Gia responded, “well, if you want to know the truth, my parents are always asleep until Earth day.” That made me really think, is Gia a giant? What do you think?


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