Our Chariot Challenge!

Today we had to do a “Chariot Challenge”  We had a couple of choices, yogurt container or plastic cup, popsicle stick or no popsicle stick? Rubber bands or no rubber bands? Skewer or no skewer?  We had a lot of choices to make so here is everything I used and what I used the item for!

  • Yogurt cup: Inside of chariot.
  • Skewer: To go in the wheels.
  • Bottle caps: The wheels.
  • Popsicle sticks: Push pulley system/decoration for horse
  • Rubber bands: Reigns for horse.


We had to go back and forth to make this project work, and had to make decisions like if we wanted to use hot glue or not (and to be honest most of us did!) A lot of us drew what our chariot was going to look like and we ended up having something that looked like that but with a lot of stuff added on. This was the process of trials. Trial one was our original chariot, trial two was what it ended up like next, and so on and so on.

What I predicted that was going to be difficult was getting the wheels to move the chariot, no one got it to move. How I was approaching this challenge was that I would work hard, have patience, and try again. One of my ideas was for me to have a stick for me to pull.

In the end it did not fall apart.

I loved this challenge!

Hunt v.s Beauty

A long time ago on Mount Olympus (The home of the gods) Aphrodite had used Artemis’ sword to cut off stray hairs, and Artemis had used Aphrodite’s make up supplies to make colorful targets to shoot  at. Artemis found out as well as Aphrodite, they both came to each other, they’re was nothing but crickets for a second or two. All of a sudden all you could hear is “You took my make up!” “Well you took my sword and left hair all over it!” “Well you got dirt all over my make up!” “Well now my sword looks like a cat!” “Well at least I know how to use the make up!” So they went to war, and they tied they couldn’t decide who won so they fought over that. Finally they wen’t to ask Athena so they wen’t to the Parthenon! They got Athena’s advice and she said “I didn’t see the fight and since it was a tie you can try not to take each others stuff anymore” They were not satisfied so Athena made a deal with them “Okay, okay Aphrodite can have a golden chariot for the rest of your life, and Artemis can have new hunting supplies that will never break” so they did but the next day, “Aphrodite why are you using my arrow as a hair piece!?”  “Well why are you using my hair curlers as something to go in your sling shot?!” And you thought it was going to be peaceful didn’t you? The end!


R: I like this blog because I used a lot of humorous and witty commentary in this fiction! I like writing fiction because I have a more reliable structure. Fiction lets my mind explore!

My Favorite God or Goddess

In third grade we started to learn, read, and talk about Gods and Goddess. It was a very interesting topic to learn about and I am very sad we are about to move on. I want to tell you about my favorite Goddess. Her name is Athena, Athena is the God of wisdom and war. I’ll start from the beginning, this may sound weird but Athena was not born she popped out of Zeus’ head. You may be thinking “Well that’s it i’m out of here.” Well I may be able to change your mind about that. Athena had a building called the Parthenon that was dedicated to her, the Parthenon had a big statue of Athena in the building. The Parthenon is still standing but is not looking it’s best. The Parthenon is between demolished and needs to be rebuilt. Anyway I think Athena is a good God, Actually let me rephrase that I think Athena is a great, wonderful, and beautiful (even thought she is a God of war and wisdom)  God.