The Pluses and Minuses of a Four Day School Week.

The following is the discussion of the pluses of this topic.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A four day school week would be great because of the following. A beautiful extra day to quickly finish hard homework would be extremely helpful considering we would want to maximize our nice time to quietly relax. Another good reason this amazing schedule would be great is that we would get a tad more recess, this would get our clogged blood flowing and help us quickly focus. Something that would truly be spectacular is that if we have extra hours of the long school day that means we could on some days get our homework done so we will have some hours left in the great day while we are at out nice home. Something grand about this feature is you have a three day weekend to enjoy! In conclusion there are many good things about a four day school week.               The following is the discussion of the minuses of the topic.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A four day school week would be horrendous because of the following. A reason this would be terrible is because we would get very antsy and that would extremely terrible! Which brings me to my next point, it would be tremendously hard to focus on our assignments. We would also feel incredibly stiff  and we would get terrible cramp. As well as getting very bored from all the tedious learning. In conclusion there are many bad things about a four day school week.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Therefore there are many good and bad things to consider about a four day school week!

R: The reason why this blog post is my one of my favorite is because it shows both sides to a story. A person in a debate would be defending one side, this is very one sided obviously and people need to see the good in both sides. There are good and bad to each of the sides. This also showcases the growth in my writing since this piece is more recent than the Hatchet writing. I love the development that I have showed in this writing, it is truly spectacular in my opinion. So you see, that is the reason why this blog post is one of my favorites.


Judging People’s Choices!

It is my opinion that judging people is unexceptional! People are judged for their challenging choices openly and not going along with the status quo. People do things that are unique that others see as “not normal” compared to their customs. People need to refrain from judging others because it is foolhardy and would make such a difference if they would stop judging. Those people who are judged need an avalanche of support. Everyone should be looking for the good, positive energy in others instead of the negative, bad energy. Don’t insult people based on what they are wearing or thinking! That is why we should never judge. Instead of sitting around judging, we should be getting up and being optimistic toward others. To that end, we should never judge.

My New Year’s Resolution!

In 2019 I want to do fun exercise daily. To do this hard challenge I will find more fantastic songs to dance to. Bringing me to my next great plan. I must do more dancing so not only can I be a lovely dancer but great at exhausting fitness. I will set loudly motivating alarms and alerting reminders to let me know that it is time to do some fun exercising! I will also ask some smart friends of mine to remind me and ask about my session while I am on the fast treadmill I will listen to enlightening audio books, read spectacular books, listen to my calming Head Space, jam out to great music, and watch suspenseful shows to get my blood pumping fast. I will do lovely stretches. I must remember that peaceful yoga counts as well. Finally I will find fun exercises in my daily routines. In conclusion I will complete my challenging New Year’s Resolution this year for I have a foolproof smart plan.

French greetings skit

In French class we reviewed simple greetings and other useful expressions. Then we created a skit to practice using those expressions. Isla, Vika and I pretended to meet while waiting in line for the Space Mountain ride at Disney World!


Hatchet is a joyous book. This wonderful book gracefully inducts you to a pivoting, loud and suspenseful emotion leaving you on a humongous cliffhanger, even if the amazing chapter has nearly come to an end. Details such as crazy endings of the great chapters reason you to have a a strong desire to read more, and consume time. In a great way the fantastic, busy author proudly earns the interior of your playful mind, and you will not feel the need to seize reading. The author plays with your always changing emotions. The wondrous author describes every singular, perfect detail very well. So you see, Hatchet is a great book. Thank you.


R: This blog post that I wrote is my favorite because this blog post showcases a fantastic book that I am glad I read. I was very glad I got to write about this book because it was truly fun to describe a book that I feel a lot of people would enjoy.This blog post also showcases my vocabulary. Therefore, I wrote this blog post and it is one of my favorites because it was fun to write and it showcase a bit of my vocabulary.

The Penguin’s Justice

Once there was a Penguin. Just like any other, he was black and white, he could not fly. He was born without two eyes, only one and was bullied by the Polar Bears. He hated being an outcast. All day he thought about it. Everyday and every night, he was so tired in the morning he didn’t even go to his swimming classes. This was the life of Jessie the Penguin. It was a routine, wake up, be bullied, think about it, repeat. He tried everything and sadly self harm (Forcing himself to fly.) There was nothing that would make him happy not with, depression, low self esteem, anxiety, and social anxiety, plus he was an introvert. He talked to his friend, Miles, to tell him what was going on.

Jessie’s best friend, Miles, was always there. He knew that the Polar Bears hated a taste of their own medicine. Even though Jessie knew it wasn’t right, he thought maybe just maybe revenge was the only resolution.

At night all the animals were sleeping so Jessie got on top of the Polar Bear who bullied him the most. He got cymbals and banged them as loud as possible and screamed, “I DON’T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF YALL’, YALL AIN’T GOING TO GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME!” And after that night the Polar Bears never bothered Jessie again. Thank you, I hope you have learned nothing from this because it is not a good moral. I do hope you enjoyed the vine reference though. Have a very nice day!