Ship Wrecked


Posted by jturgeon | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 5, 2020

As I was leaning over the ship rail, I fell off. I won’t tell you what I was doing, but I fell off. Luckily, I had on my backpack. I swam to the nearest land I could see and now I am stranded on a shipwreck island. I have a box of medicine, a long ax and a flare gun in my backpack. I also have my bouncy live fox with me because he goes everywhere I go. The reason I have a box of medicine is if I get cut or sick I can use it for first aid to heal. The reason I have a long ax is to chop down trees and to get food. The reason I have a flare gun is to scare off animals. I’m really glad I fell with my backpack on because now I have these items to live, hunt, and survive. And my energetic fox is to keep me company and for warmth.

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