The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond


Posted by jturgeon | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 17, 2020

The kids escape back to town and go see Bardle at Joe’s Pizza. They want to know what it means if a human speaks in the language of Rezzoch.
Bardle says a human speaking in the language of Rezzoch is bad news. Dirk is the only one who remembers what she said. Bardle translates it to mean IT HAS BEGUN. He says they have to get the Louisville Slicer back or it will get worse.
The kids need the help of the Friendly Monsters but the monsters are afraid of snow and don’t like the winter. Jack and June, and Quint and Dirk try to get them to play in the snow and have a snow ball fight but its no good. Then June comes up with a good idea to teach the monsters about Christmas. That makes Jack have a good idea to make a gift for June. June is in charge of making a Christmas celebration. Meanwhile, Jack and Quint investigate the human who they are calling the Villaness.

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