First Grade Harvest Celebration

On Wednesday, November 16, we presented our first grade performance in front of the entire Lower School. It was called “Harvest Celebration.” We worked very hard with our music teacher, Mr. Santulli, to prepare several songs about the harvest season. We got to choose the arrangement of the songs and even got to create a dance! In your letter to us you asked if we know how to read- the answer is “yes!” During our performance, each student got to read a few sentences about what he or she is thankful for. During this time of year, it is a tradition to reflect on our blessings and be thankful because we have a holiday called “Thanksgiving,” which will be next Thursday.

Mathieu and Anaïs had front-row seats! This is in our school’s theater.


We sang songs with our class (some of the students take Spanish, which is why there are some faces you won’t recognize).

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We each read about what we’re thankful for:

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Here is a video of the final song that we sang. We even got to play instruments!

With Mathieu and Anaïs after the show!


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