Le Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a holiday that always takes place on the last Thursday of November. We get out of school at noon on Wednesday for a long weekend and also have the following Monday off. It’s a time to get together with family and friends to share a special meal and reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for- food, housing, health, and the people we love. Mathieu and Anaïs went to Long Island, New York with Liam and his family.

Le Thanksgiving est une fête américaine qui se passe le dernier jeudi du mois de novembre chaque année. Nous on a les vacances du mercredi jusqu’au lundi. Le Thanksgiving nous donne le moment pour réunir avec la famille et les amis pour partager un repas spécial ensemble. On réfléchit sur tous les bénissements de la vie- la nourriture, le logement, la santé, et les personnes chéries. Mathieu et Anaïs sont allés dans le New York avec Liam et sa famille.


Anais and Mathieu helped Liam’s mom prepare the turkey, which is the most traditional dish eaten for Thanksgiving.


Another tradition is to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, which takes place in New York City.

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