Teaching our French friends a song in English

This year students in first grade French class have conducted a special project. We set out to teach one of the songs that we performed for our Harvest Celebration to our connection project friends in Fréjus, France. To do this, we interpreted the song in a variety of ways, integrating skills that we are practicing in each of our specials classes (music, art, library, computer and P.E.). It has been an enriching experience, and we are so proud to finally be able to hear our friends sing the song!

The teacher in France, Murielle Rutil, reported that at first the children complained that the song was too difficult and that they wouldn’t be able to sing it. After watching our videos and continuing to practice, they were able to learn the song and to sing it with excellent pronunciation. They enjoyed this project so much that they would like to continue with it next year. Therefore, in second grade, my French students will have a chance to teach more English songs to the students in France, and they will also be teaching us some French songs that will be integrated into our curriculum! This is sure to be a meaningful experience of cultural exchange for all children involved!

This project has also enabled us to showcase the variety of skills that students are Fredericksburg Academy are able to practice and develop through our wonderful “Specials” program. You can see the different facets of the project by clicking the links below.

Music class: We sang the song and accompanied it with instruments.

Art class: We illustrated the meaning of the song.

Library: Mrs. Atkins read a book about the theme of the song, and we sent a copy to France!

Technology: We used the Dash n Dot and Codepillar robots to practice coding while doing activities related to the theme of the song.

P.E.: We did a variety of games related to the theme of the song.


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