Extra French Practice…

…for those extra-motivated students!

Sometimes a teacher has the great fortune of having a few students who love their subject so much that they actually volunteer to come in during lunch for extra practice! I have been fortunate to have had several students over the years who have taken the time to do just that. Some even request ideas for how to continue to sharpen their skills over the summer! What a dream! It’s just one of the many reasons why I love my job! 😉

I thought I would post some websites that are great for getting that extra practice in, and having fun while doing it!


This is a website that is pretty popular for language learning. You work your way through the lessons to build vocabulary and grammar skills, and you earn “lingots” for getting through the different stages. There is even a cute little owl who encourages you with daily reminders, if you want!

Tapis Volant

This is a website that goes along with an Australian text book. It’s great because there are a variety of activities for each unit that cover listening, reading, grammar and vocab. I like how you can start with the basics and go from there, working your way through each unit.

Languages Online

This is another Australian site. It is game-based and has great sounds/graphics- it’s lots of fun! You can look at the topics and choose one that interests you or that you want to review from what we’ve done in class.

BBC Primary Languages

This is a British site that has a good review of the basics like numbers, colors, greetings, etc. They also have fun games.

You can also watch videos on YouTube (with your parents’ permission of course!) of French cartoons such as “Le Petit Nicolas” and “La Petite Princesse,” as well as French nursery rhymes, called “Comptines françaises.” This is a great way to get some listening practice and learn about French culture too! Other channels I like with educational music videos in French are Alain le Lait and Sylvia Duckworth (just search these on YouTube).

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