Bienvenue, Mathieu et Anaïs!

We were so excited to receive our new visitors for this year. We know we are going to have so much fun showing them around our school and our town. And thank you for the calendar and the candy!

On était très content de recevoir votre paquet et de faire la connaissance de Mathieu et Anaïs. Merci beaucoup pour les friandises et le calendrier! On va bien s’amuser en accueillant les visiteurs dans notre école et en ville de Fredericksburg.


We hope you enjoy getting to know Rosie and Luke! On espère que tout se passe bien pour Rosie et Luke !


One thought on “Bienvenue, Mathieu et Anaïs!

  1. This is so awesome! I have pen pals that I made in elementary school; one in Switzerland, and one in Australia, that I still keep up with today!

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