When I am one hundred years old


Posted by tharris | Posted in portfolio, Third Grade | Posted on February 6, 2019

I will be retired from being a basketball pro and a soccer pro and a football pro. I am someone that creates video games it’s cool because you can talk to your friends. My family will be bigger and I will maybe have 2 or3 children and a wife and my uncle. maybe my dad and mom and my brother and some dogs. For my free time I will play sports with teenagers and still brake there ankles. In basketball and soccer and football I will sack and tackle and intercept every play on defense. And on offense I will score every play I will catch it and score and run it in to the end zone the final score for football would be 81 to 0 and basketball would 121 to 24 and soccer would be 22 to 0. That’s my life when I am 100 years old. I will also maybe be living in a world were New York City and Nader water and Virginia beach and some other places.



R: I like this blog because I liked when we wrote about being 100 years old. I hope that I am a basketball pro.

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