When I’m 100 Years Old


Posted by jturgeon | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on February 8, 2019

When I am 100 years old I would retired from a lawyer.I will have no wife because she died but I will have kids.I will live in a nursing home that I paid for being a lawyer.For my free time I will sleep.


Comments (1)

Dear Jaqson – I hope you live to be 100 years old!! I know that you have seen that sometimes very old people end up in nursing homes where they sleep a lot and sometimes their husbands or wives die before they do BUT…..
It’s possible that you might live to be 100 or older because people are getting healthier and living longer every generation. Perhaps you will not need to be in a nursing home. You might be living at your home with your healthy 99 year old wife and a robot to take care of you. Perhaps you will have a self driving car to bring you to visits with your children. And in your spare time, you might be playing virtual reality video games. That’s what I imagine when YOU are 100 years old.
Love, Me

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