Posted by jturgeon | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on April 30, 2020

Recently I started a new book called Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond. So far everyone is getting ready for the holidays by making snow gear so they could have fun. As they were having fun they saw a human survivor on a giant beast. The human is a woman with black hair and glasses. She is riding a whiter than snow creature with just one arm. The kids are excited to see another human.
June, Dirk and Quint all want to talk to the human but Jack says to wait. But Quint goes ahead and talks to her. The monster is about to turn Quint into a pancake so Jack goes to his rescue with his special weapon, the Louisville Slicer which is a wooden bat made into a wooden bladed weapon. It’s Jack’s weapon for the Zombie Apocalypse. The monster grabs the Louisville Slicer with big its big slimy tongue and steals it. The monster throws it up and the human catches it. As she catches the weapon, she screams in the language of Rezzoch, the Ancient Devourer. The kids are shocked and afraid and they escape but Jack vows to get his weapon back. You’ll find out if he does next week.

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