Sampling Dominican Food

At our International Club meeting on February 24, we sampled three typical Dominican dishes. Madame Ibarra and Maestra Bonelli prepared Moro de Habichuelas (Dominican rice and beans) for us to try. Madame Ibarra also made a special cake called Bizcocho Dominicano. During our meeting we split into two groups to prepare the final dish. We made Mangú, which is a mashed plantain dish typically eaten for breakfast on the weekends. We watched this video about how to make the Mangú, then we got to work. We had to peel and cut the plantains, boil them in water, then mash them and add some seasoning. We also sautéed some red onions to put on top.

A big “thank you” goes to all of the teachers who helped us cook: Mrs. Estes, Ms. Potter, Mrs. Chandler, and Mrs. Atkins!

Here are the recipes that we tried:

Moro de Habichuelas


Bizcocho Dominicano (with Pineapple Filling and Suspiro icing*)

*Madame Ibarra used an egg white replacement powder to avoid the risk of salmonella

And here are some photos from the meeting:

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