Way of the Warrior Kid


Posted by nhaynes | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 20, 2020

So far in my book the kid named Marc is getting bullied at his school and his uncle came back from the Navy and was going to visit them for the summer.  Marc had to do a work out with his uncle Jake and he didn’t really want to but if he didn’t want to get picked on anymore he’s going to have to so he could get stronger and stand up for him self. That night he was dreaming of a double cheeseburger with a large fry with a chocolate milk shake and as soon as he was about to bite in to the double cheeseburger he heard to giant trash can lids slamming together and when he woke up he saw his uncle Jake standing there waiting to go train him.  After their training Marc was kind of glad they worked out and he went to breakfast with his mom and uncle Jake.  After a few days of training Marc got used to waking up early and working out with his uncle so Therefore, that is my amazing book I read so far.


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