Lego Writing


Posted by nhaynes | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 25, 2020

Once there was a guy named Gary who was a excellent pilot.  One day Gary was flying in the park in his plane enjoying the nice fresh breeze on his face and then suddenly his controls shut down and Gary’s plane started to go down.  Gary was heading for a ditch but he turned his plane to a nearby tree.  He was heading straight for the tree but then his left wing ripped off the plane Gary wasn’t heading for the tree anymore he was now heading for a lake.  Gary safely parachuted out and his plane went down into the lake at 10:00 a.m. at a tiny abandoned park.  Gary was scared and he didn’t care about the plane all he cared about was his life and his head because that popped off when he was parachuting down.  To that end, Gary found his head and his plane still lays at the bottom of the deep, dark, blue lake.

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